The journey began with a seven-year-old boy in Africa, who had a day dream of people from all races joining hands around the earth. This became a recurring dream and by age twelve, it revealed a message for humanity; Help Each Other.
One day, while meditating in his mid-twenties, he realized that the inter-action of ‘Help-Each-Other’, creates love, unity, and synergy. He called it The HELP Process and had the vision to gift The HELP Process to every person in every nation.
He started to share The HELP Process and as word spread, he was invited teach all around the world. For over forty years Pan Raja took on all kinds of jobs to give HELP Seminars and courses free of charge.
In 2016, Angel San Miguel, Honourable Judge Victor Reyes, and Zephrina Cazaubon established My HELP Network Foundation, a NFP charity based in Atlanta, Georgia, America. Since then, a core group of people and our partners have taken on the challenge to diffuse The HELP Process to every person in every nation.
In 2020, we began a new and daring phase on our journey by launching the Pan Global HELP Education Program.
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